The heat of the Earth's formation has been slowly released through
the course of its 4.5 Ga history by mantle convection and conduction at
the surface. It is important that we study the nature of this convective
flow in order to understand the thermal history of the Earth, its internal
composition, and the forces that drive plate motions. Global seismic
images of the mantle can provide information about convective flow. Variations
in both compressional (P) wave and shear (S) wave propagation speeds, as
well as a wide range of other types of data, have been used to map the
mantle. The conclusions reached by independent studies so far have
shown little agreement beyond a few accepted "long-wavelength" features.
Here, a comparison of two new high-resolution models derived by independent
groups shows excellent consistency, even for short-wavelength features.
The first model uses variation in P-wave velocity and the second
uses variation in shear wave velocity. The differences in data sampling
between the two studies are large, which means it is unlikely that systematic
errors common to both studies contribute to the agreement in their results.
The shear wave study uses multiple bounce seismic phases to study the shallow
mantle beneath regions where structures cannot be constrained by direct
P- or S-wave data. These data were fewer than those used in the P-wave
study, which has excellent coverage in subduction zones especially.
Both models show high-wave-speed linear structures in the mid-mantle
beneath the Americas and southern Eurasia, as well as in other locations.
These features are associated with past subduction sites. Upwellings
are not so obvious from the seismic images. The worst disagreement
between the two models occurs in regions of poor resolution for one model
or the other, especially at the bottom of the mantle.
The success of these two models is promising, but more studies are
needed to verify that these results are real. Some of the questions that
have yet to be answered:
-What is the nature of upwellings within the deep
-Are there truly gaps in subducted slabs within
the lower mantle?
-Do slabs continue to the core-mantle boundary,
if so, how?
-What is the cause of the apparent P and S velocity
structure in the deepest mantle?
-What do we learn about hotspots or mantle plumes
from studies focused in
hotspot locations?
-What kinds of chemical heterogeneities are revealed
by these velocity structures?
Tomography- general tomography background
Global Seismic Tomography
Revisited - Grand's results are challenged
Some Recent
Results of Seismic Tomography - pretty pictures
Studying the Earth's
Formation - other experiments on the Earth's interior